Friday, 7 June 2013


Jacaranda Joeys Cabin

We are looking forward to joining in the fun at Camp Doll Diaries this winter.  Although most people participating will be in the US on summer break, we are going to work in with our home schooling schedule and make room for creative doll play and do our best to participate and contribute as much as possible. It feels like a great way to work together to create something fun!  
I have suggested to the girls that their dolls (the campers) could keep a 'journal' of all they do while on camp.  I am hoping some extra creative writing will take place and develop over time.

The dolls attending Camp Doll Diaries are Saige, Daphne, Mia, Fern, Nellie, Lanie, Cinnamon and Olive who will be arriving in late June.
The biggest challenge is finding space.  There is nowhere in the house that would allow for a permanent 'camp site'.  So we will have to be flexible and occasionally dismantle, the reassemble our little Jacaranda Joeys cabin.  

We chose the name Jacaranda Joeys to reflect our being in Australia.  Although where we live is not actually warm enough for Jacaranda's, they are such a gorgeous tree we wanted to include the colour in our camp somehow.

Daphne arrived early for camp and made her clip board first. She is ready for lots of fun!

Mia was very keen and hiked to camp!  She is hoping to challenge the girls in the cabin with some hiking adventures during the camp.

Nellie is busy filling out her enrolment form.  After much deliberation she decided lollies were her favourite food!

Lanie has plans to get her cabin to grow their own salad greens and herbs during the camp.  Planting will start the first weekend of camp...let's see if it will grow over winter!

Cinnamon is a very calm character.  She hopes to get everyone up to do a morning yoga session with her each day, though she realises it might take time to inspire everyone.

Fern and Saige (with Orange the horse) have already taken over the stable duties.  They are volunteering as stable hands and horse carers for the whole of camp.

We made little clip boards for each doll, with paper to suit their personalities.  We will use them again for other activities over the camp.

Our lovely personal shopper at American Girl Place New York sent us some nail polish stickers for the dolls.  So the first day of camp all the dolls got to paint their nails. 
What a fun way to start the week together!